We slept in late exhausted from the previous day plus we lost an hour due to Daylight Savings kicking in here. First order of the day was to find the right voltage converter after getting some much needed coffee into our system.
Since we are making this post you can surmise the outcome of the search. While trying to track down one of the 3 places suggested to us by the Tourism Office (VVV) I noticed a camera store and thought well if anyone would have one...and they did. The nice Dutch (the nice is extraneous because they all seem nice once approached) salesman even took the 3-4 pound behemoth out of the box to make sure it would work.
Afterwards more street food (nummers for me sad for the wife) and walking before a tram ride back home. While Cindy napped I decided to go for a trek. I forgot to bring the moleskin guide which has been in my pocket the whole time as my main navigation tool. This meant I did not know what tram exit to take. I guessed (incorrectly) and wandered around for a bit.
As some of you may know I love to walk and walk and walk in big cities. (Briefly distracted by the hardcore porn [transsexuals no less} 1-900 commercials on tv Cindy just pointed out.)
Amsterdam is a very walkable city. Though hard to navigate when trying to find a specific destination it is perfect for stumbling onto something you did not expect. I came across a band playing along a canal for no reason it seemed.
Unfortunately like most other music you stumble across here it was pretty bad. At least it wasn't accompanied by some annoying beat like the horrendous techno and rap we have heard everywhere else. Don't be fooled the Dutch love their beats no matter the source or the listener's age. A middle age lady I saw today could not resist tapping her foot to Akon playing in the trinket store we were in. Oh and there is eighties' music playing everywhere else.
After scooping up the Mrs. back at the apartment we headed back into the center of town to locate some food. Since it is Sunday not much was open much less open late, so we had to opt for street food this time again. Tomorrow we hit the museums in earnest as well as check out the Bodies exhibit we missed at home and never visited in Las Vegas. Plus with our voltage concerns taken care of there will be more pictures. One picture from the Flickr set.....I got to pee in the middle of a crowded street yesterday!! But not in what you see above but another smart Dutch solution to life's little dilemmas. I really cannot stress how so many things have been planned out to work for the citizen's benefit and not their hindrance here.
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