Too tired to post yesterday. Here is a pic of those cool automat food vending machines. We haven't actually tried it yet because we can't understand exactly what they're selling (think it's fish, but not sure).
Went to the Waag for a drink. The Waag is Amsterdam's oldest surviving gatehouse from the 1400's, making it technically a surviving building from the medieval times, and officially the oldest structure I've ever seen. It's also been a site for public executions, and the place where Rembrandt painted both his Anatomy Lesson paintings there. Now it's a tourist trap...and the site of our first ugly American sighting: we witnessed an older gay "daddy type" and his young boy-toy literally yelling "EXCUSE ME" to the top of his impatient American lungs. It was a real ugly scene, and it really didn't make the Dutch waitress look his way any sooner.
It's interesting to note that "Dutch service" is said as sort of a caveat or apology. They're pretty stand-offish and it takes forever to get someone to take your order or approach you. That's also because tipping isn't really expected, so there's no real incentive to give you good service. One you come to the realization that the poor service is nothing against you personally, it's easier to stomach the whole it-took-one-hour-to-actually-get-my-meal experience.
We finally caught the Bodies exhibit. I must say, I am amazed that with so many things going on in our bodies (miniature gyroscopes of liquid pockets in our brain, etc), I'm shocked we don't all go into daily epileptic seizures. The body truly is an evolutionary wonder. I made a silent pact to be better to my "instrument." I will eat more fresh veggies and exercise more when I return to the states.
The Ann Frank house was sad (of course). But the secret quarters were actually larger than I'd imagined. Oh, plus there was this strange post-exhibit involving voting buttons and suspiciously worded questions for you to vote on. Secret agenda? I didn't stick around to find out what exactly that was.
Overheard a tour leader telling her group to watch out in front of the Old Kerk (Church) area because the junkies dance a jig and pickpocket you. Huh?! So then we noticed that there's a whorehouse literally next to the church! The prostitutes of the Red Light District stand in front of big windows to better aid the Johns in their "window shopping." We noticed the prostitutes get uglier in one direction of the road, and prettier down the opposite way. I'm guessing there's also a direct correlation in their pricing as well. I'd made eye contact with a couple of prostitutes (wearing my best "I'm not judging you or your lifestyle choices" smile), but they would automatically look down at the ground in shame. I felt really bad about that, so I learned to just look straight ahead when walking by. Arturo said they look like they get hassled in the windows a lot, 'cause they got that "don't mess with me" look on their faces when packs of young guys walk by.
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