I feel like this kitty looks: Big smile 'cause I'm having a great time, but I feel dirty and like I'm about to capsize from lack of sleep and too much walking.
This morning we were FINALLY able to get up pretty early (curse you, jet lag!) and go out for breakfast. We hit a much-touted pancake house. The pancakes here are a cross between a crepe and a pancake, and they serve them with whipped cream, fruit, almonds, etc. Ironically, our breakfast of two pancakes and two cappuccino cost us a whopping 33 Euro!! That's more than we spent for dinner last night. Hmm.
Since this is our last full day here (and the Euro doesn't appear to even want to cease kicking our American dollar asses) we've decided against going to Brussels. So we've opted to finally take that canal cruise. View the pics on the Flickr page. There's oodles of them. It was nice finally being able to concentrate on the architecture without fear of breaking your leg on a cobbled street or get hit by a bike or tram. But it was COLD. Uncomfortably so, for me.
Quick nerd note for all the English majors out there: Amsterdam carelessly throws around exclamation points!! As you know, that's a big no-no in English grammar! But they do! They use them for everything! Just as I am now! I'll attempt to find some examples soon and post the pics here to back me up on this. It's really annoying!
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